Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. Around October to November, we collect items, package them, and send them to children around the world. For many of these children, this will be their only Christmas gift. This is an outreach to demonstrate the love of Christ to children all over the world. Please consider donating personal items, school supplies, toys and art supplies. Toothpaste and candy are not allowed. We will also be collecting shoeboxes, so here is your chance to de-clutter your closet!
Dover will have red/green shoeboxes available in the narthex starting Sunday, October 31, along with information about how you and your family can bless a less-fortunate child not only with some special gifts but also the Good News of Jesus Christ. The steps are simple: Take a box. Decide if you’re box will be for a girl or boy of what age (2-4 yrs; 5-9 yrs; 10-14 yrs). Go shopping for: 1 “wow” item such as a deflated ball or stuffed animal, hygiene items, school supplies, etc. Write a note to the child to tuck into the box along with a check for $9 made out to Samaritan’s Purse.Return the box to Dover NO LATER than Sunday morning, November 14. QUESTIONS: Call Deb Menning @ 756-4289. Gift suggestions: coloring books, T-shirts, flip flops, bar soap, bracelets, hair ties, yoyo, hat, hacky sack, glue stick, pencils, Play-Doh, socks, jump rope, Matchbox cars, band-aids, hair brush